To be blessed. Isn’t that what we all want? When you think of someone being blessed, what do you think of? What image pops into your mind?
Some say you are blessed if you have a roof over your head, and others say you are blessed if you have food to eat. Having a steady income and living family members is also considered a blessing. Others consider having an abundance of possessions and access to travel the world to be a blessing.
What do you say?
Normally, when we say we are blessed, we mean that things are generally going well for us. When we tell others to “be blessed” or “have a blessed day” we are wishing them well. But to be specific, what does “blessed” really mean?
Upon researching the definition of ‘blessed,’ I was pleasantly surprised. Google offered Oxford Languages’ definition—and their definition perfectly fits the theme of my thinking. Oxford Languages definition reads as follows:
Blessed: made holy; consecrated
Now, I do not doubt that those with shelter, food, clothing, family, and an abundance to enjoy life may feel blessed. I believe God is the one who distributes the things we enjoy. However, if someone has these things, but they are not holy or consecrated, can we still say they are blessed?
A better way to examine if we are truly blessed is to question whether God thinks we are blessed. The Bible is loaded with the Lord exclaiming who is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7 states, “Blessed is the man that trust in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord.” Psalms 1:1-2 says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord.” Psalms 2:12 says, “Blessed are all who take refuge in God,” and Mary, the mother of Jesus, was called blessed by the angel of God when he brought her news that she would give birth to the Savior of the World.
People say, “I’m blessed,” but according to what standard? To be blessed is always in relation to God. If someone has everything good per social standards, the world deems them blessed, yet if they do not trust the Lord, they are not blessed per God’s standard. If we are walking with the wicked and keeping company with mockers and sinners—those opposed to the Lord—we are not blessed per God’s Word. If we are not delighting in God’s Word but rather delighting in things of this world, would God say we are blessed? Or would He say we are foolish, misguided, and in darkness?
I can’t picture God saying someone is blessed who is not in Him. That wouldn’t meet His standard of blessedness. Being called ‘blessed’ but not being in the Lord goes against the very definition of blessed. We cannot be holy and consecrated apart from God, for He is the one who makes us holy through Christ and calls us into a consecrated life with Him.
To be blessed means to be in the Lord. We can’t argue definitions. But we can double down on them. The Hebrew definition of ‘blessed’ is barak, which means “to bless” as in how God blessed us, especially in the beginning with the creation of the heavens, earth, plant life, animal life, and mankind. But ‘barak’ also means ‘to kneel’.
Due to God's blessings, we kneel at His provision, bow at His power and intellect, and praise Him for His mercy. We kneel. But if we don’t kneel or acknowledge God, we cannot accurately say we are blessed. Again, failure to acknowledge God and failure to be made holy or consecrated goes against the definition of ‘blessed.’ Therefore, if we do not acknowledge God or we aren’t holy and set apart, we are not blessed.
Blessedness runs parallel with faith. Abraham was blessed with righteousness by having faith in God. And Christ told Thomas is John 20:29, “Blessed are those who have not seen, and have yet believed.” To be blessed means believing in God, having faith in God, and living a holy, consecrated life towards God.
So, are you blessed? When you wish God’s blessings upon others, is it so that they be made right with God? When you ask the Lord to bless you, have you considered that God’s view of blessing you includes Him making you holy or orchestrating your life, environment, and circumstances so that you may have faith or deeper faith in Him?
To be blessed indeed is a blessing. But let us view blessedness according to God’s standard. Challenge yourself. If you feel blessed, ask God if He feels the same. If you don’t feel blessed, seek God’s answer on where you stand on His scale of blessedness. Reader, there is more to be said on this subject than what I could squeeze into this article. So, if you are willing, bear with me for a few more weeks as I dig into what it means to be blessed per God’s specifications.
But for now, I’ll bid you farewell. May God bless you; indeed, may he make you holy and consecrated with a surrendered heart to kneel before Him, and may God keep you. Until next time, take care.
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God Bless You!