Nahum 2 and 3 are the kind of scriptures that many Christians today typically avoid reading. We normally do not want to read about “doom and gloom” accounts. Yet, I think this is because we tend to have a limited view of how we read the Bible. Oftentimes, we only see ourselves in the text instead of seeing God in the text.
For example, when we read of God's wrath, it can cause us to become tense and uneasy. Nahum 2 begins with a promise of destruction. Nineveh was guaranteed to fall. The people of Nineveh were wicked and full of pride, violence, and sin. They oppressed and persecuted countless souls. Nahum 3:3 stated that there were so many casualties that the bodies were without number... so many bodies that people stumbled over the corpses.
And so, God promised to put an end to Nineveh due to their evil ways. For many of us, when we read about God's wrath and destruction, a healthy fear comes over us. We, quite obviously, do not want that same wrath to fall upon us. And it is only wise of us to learn from Nineveh’s errors.
However, when we read the Bible, we shouldn't always wonder how the text applies to us. We should also see what the text says about God. If Nahum 2 and 3 is only read in a manner that focuses on us, then we will only see that God punishes wickedness. We will only see the need to avoid being evil like the people of Nineveh.
While it is obviously true that we should avoid wickedness, if we look at the text with a focus on God, we get to see the goodness of God. Nahum 2:2 reads: “The Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of Israel, though destroyers have laid them waste and have ruined their vines.” So, although God’s wrath is evident in this text, so is his vindication.
But Judah wasn’t necessarily deserving of this vindication. God’s chosen people rebelled against him. Judah failed to repent for their wrongdoing; thus, they suffered oppression from the Assyrians. Yet, God decided to free them, to restore them, and to show them kindness despite their sin.
This reminds me of the Garden of Eden—how despite Adam and Eve’s sin, God vindicated them. He put enmity between the serpent and man and promised that the serpent’s head would be crushed. This also reminds me of us—how God chose to send his son, Jesus Christ to die for our us despite our sin.
So, although Nahum is a book that illustrates God’s great wrath, it is also a book that illustrates his great mercy. Just as Nineveh fell for being an enemy of God and God’s people, our enemy, Satan, will also fall for opposing us.
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
(Revelations 20:10 KJV)
Although Judah did not deserve it, there was vindication for them. And although we don’t deserve it, there will be vindication for us if we remain in Christ. Take heart in reading Nahum 2 and 3. Witness how serious God is about bringing about justice for his people. Yes, revere God and his wrath—do all you can to avoid it by living in righteousness. But also see the mercy and goodness of God in the text.
See how God is indeed slow to anger and great in power. When you read the text and see God’s power against Nineveh, imagine that same power on your side … because it is. Paul says, “If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). Truly, who can be against the type of magnificent power we see in Nahum 2 and 3? If you look at it in this way, you can believe without a shadow of a doubt, that no one indeed can stand against you if God is for you.
So, let the Book of Nahum encourage you. Let it be a testimony to you that God is and has always been merciful. Let it reveal to you that although his wrath is great, so is his justice. So please, remain on God’s side and let him show you that for his chosen, there will be vindication.
Quin Arrington is a Christian Fiction and Nonfiction Author with books available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/quinarrington