“And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.” This is the opening verse of 1 Corinthian 2. Paul stated he did not use persuasive words of human wisdom. Rather, he opted to keep his speech simple so that men would not glory in his wisdom but in the power of God.
Yet, Paul was a wise man. He very well could have dazzled the Corinthian Church with eloquent speech. He could have presented the gospel and his intellect if he chose. But he didn’t. For the sake of the gospel, he didn’t showcase his wisdom. And that takes humility.
It’s natural for us to display our accomplishments, including our intellect. If children make the honor roll, they are publicly awarded ribbons and certificates. Ceremonies are thrown in honor of those who make great achievements, and their parents are encouraged to attend these services to congratulate their children.
In college, students who maintain high GPAs are placed on the Dean’s List, which shouts to the masses that they are academic achievers. Upon graduation, students are given cords of honor and even bestowed with various titles such as cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude to signify their outstanding grades. Even as adults, intellect is praised. Notable awards, such as the Nobel Peace Prize, are allocated to some of the world’s most brilliant minds.
But Paul stated that he didn’t want his intellect on display for the applause of men. He only wanted Christ on display to honor God. We have been conditioned to want applause and recognition for our intellect, hard work, and accomplishments since our youth. And there is nothing wrong with being honored. Yet, Paul was so dedicated to God that he opted to diminish himself to showcase Christ.
This is a wonderful example of how we should model ourselves as Christians. Our ultimate example is Christ, who, though a King, humbled himself for the sake of our salvation. He humbled himself by living an ordinary life as a carpenter, washing the disciples’ feet, and dying at the hands of those he created.
Humility runs deeper than we may think. If we are not willing to be in service to God void of applause from man, then our service is stained with pride. We are not here to impress souls, but we are here to win them. Paul showed us what it means to die so that Christ may increase. Let us follow his example as best we can.
Paul then goes on to say that the wisdom of God was initially hidden from man. It was a mystery that hadn’t been revealed. Paul states if the mystery had been revealed, the Jews and Romans wouldn’t have crucified Jesus. But now the mystery has been revealed. Indeed, eyes had not seen, ears had not heard, nor had it entered the hearts of man what God had planned for us. Jesus, our hope and salvation, was planned all along.
This verse—“eyes have not seen, ears have not heard”—is often used to say that we cannot imagine heaven or the things that the Lord has planned for us on earth. And, of course, this is true. We do not know what it will be like to live in glory, nor do we know the great plans God has in store for us on the earth. But per 1 Corinthians 2:12, if we have the Spirit of God, we will know what God has freely given us. And the greatest thing given to us, the greatest thing that is no longer a mystery that eyes can see, ears can hear, and what can be entered into the hearts of man if they are willing is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Yes, the greatest thing has already been revealed. The greatest thing has already been presented. In Christ, all our desires can be realized. Our peace, our joy, and our love can be made complete if we remain steadfast in him. He is the source from which all things flow, and through him, we lack nothing. Therefore, because God loved us enough to send his Son, we have all that we need. We undoubtedly have the greatest thing.
May God bless and keep you. And may you rejoice in realizing that if you have accepted Christ, you already have the greatest thing.
Quin Arrington is a Christian wife, mother, and author with books available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/quinarrington
Thank you for your time. God bless!