Hebrews 3 begins with asking the reader to consider Jesus and how faithful He was over His house, that is His chosen people or His flock. The author states that Jesus was faithful over His house just as Moses was faithful over his. We know that Moses diligently walked with God and lead the Israelites out of bondage towards the Promised Land. Likewise, if we allow it, Jesus will lead us out of bondage and into freedom.
We do not have to remain captive to sin and the fleeting deceptive desires of this world. We can be led into the beauty that is peace, joy, love, and liberty in Christ. If we hold fast and keep following Christ, who is our leader, we will eventually pass through the wildernesses of this life and cross over into that blessed Promised Land in glory. The Hebrew writer highlighted the faithfulness of Christ and Moses leading their people to the Promised Land so that we can be faithful just as they were.
Yet, we know the Israelites were not faithful. Hebrews 3:8 reads, “Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness”. God promised to lead the Children of Israel into Canaan but on more than one occasion, the Israelites refused to trust God. The peak display of their distrust occurred in Numbers 13 and 14. Spies were sent out to scout the Promised Land to see if it was as wonderful as the Lord had promised. The spies went and saw the land. They agreed that they land was just as prosperous as God had said, “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.” (Numbers 13:27)
The fruit presented by the spies included grapes, figs, and pomegranates. One single cluster of grapes was so large that two men had to carry it on a pole between the two of them. God had promised this type of astonishing abundance to the Israelites. But they didn’t believe that they could have it—which means that they didn’t believe God.
The Hebrew writer mentions this to us, of course, as a lesson. The Children of Israel didn’t make it to the promise because of their unbelief. Hebrews 3:19 states, “So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief”. God said, “So I swore in My wrath, “They shall not enter My rest”, and the Hebrew writer warns, “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.” (Hebrews 3:11-12).
It was evil of them to not trust God. Numbers 13 states that the report given by the spies was an evil report because it was a report of unbelief. Their report caused them to disobey God. The command was to go and conquer the land … but they refused. Their disobedience was in direct opposition of God’s command; therefore, it was sinful of them to not go. It was sinful of them not to go and possess their inheritance.
When we believe in God, it shows. Caleb and Joshua believed God; therefore, they believed they could inherit the Promised Land regardless of the enemies in the land. Yet, when we do not believe, it also shows. The remaining Israelites didn’t believe God and decided to stay back. So, does it show in you? Your faith … your belief … does it show?
How does it show you ask? By your obedience. If the Israelites would have believed God, they would have obeyed God. Disobedience is a red flag … a sure sign of unbelief. Because if God says that certain things will occur if we obey, but we do not obey, certainly we do not believe Him. If I told you I’ll treat you to a five-star-meal today, if you follow me to the restaurant, but you do not follow me, I’d have no other choice but to believe that you didn’t believe me. Surely, you did not trust me.
Because if you did, you would have followed me to receive an outstanding meal.
When God tells us to follow Him, and we do not follow, it is a sure sign of unbelief.
When God commands us to flee sexually immorality, to avoid drunkenness, to not gossip, to forgive, to love one another, but we do not, what else is God to believe? If we do not follow Him into the Promised Land, it must be because we do not believe God … just like the Israelites. God commands that we conquer sin just as the Children of Israel was commanded to conquer Canaan.
God has requested that we refrain from being slaves to sin, and to walk into freedom. He even tells us how to do it. Just be faithful. The Hebrew writer calls the audience to be faithful to God through Christ just as Christ was faithful over His house. We are to believe God, die to sin, and to live for Christ. But if we do not obey, how can we say we believe? If we do not obey, we are no different then the Israelites who died in the wilderness-- the generation who never saw the abundance God planned for them.
So reader, behave like you believe. Obey God. Disobedience is and will always be a telltale sign that we do not belief. If God promises salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ, then let’s follow Him. If God promises us life and life more abundantly, let’s receive that by living in obedience to Him. Do you believe Him? Whether you answer this truthfully or not, your actions and obedience, or lack thereof, will reveal the truth. My sincere prayer is that we will believe God. That we will trust Him at His word, regardless of the enemies or obstacles in our path. Join me in prayer as I close today’s reading:
Our Father, thank you for the faithfulness of Jesus. Lord, we thank you that you were faithful over your house and that you still are faithful over your people. We ask that you help us be faithful to you as you have been faithful to us. We ask that you steer us away from an evil unbelieving heart. Instead, God give us faithful, believing hearts, and may we behave like we believe you. Help us to walk in obedience until our last day. We ask this in faith and through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
That’s all I have for you this week. May God bless you and keep you. Until next time, take care.
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I Believe!! Wonderful Word!