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Morning Grits

"Just because you want it doesn't mean you're ready for it", I said to my 3-month-old son as his eyes seemed to beg for my morning grits.

Mind you, I have no problem with him having grits one day. One day, and one day soon, I will give him morning grits, eggs, pancakes, and so much more. He will eat until his heart is content and be thoroughly satisfied.

But he's not ready for that yet. Sure, I could give him some now. And he would enjoy it ... until it's time for his digestive system to break down the food.

That's when what he so desperately wanted will give him more pain than pleasure. Simply because his little tummy can't take it. But if he waits a few more months, he can enjoy morning grits free of a potentially painful aftermath.

He's not waiting on me to prepare grits for him. I'm waiting for him to develop enough to receive grits. Could you be like my son? What's your morning grits?

Maybe you think you are waiting on God while He is in fact waiting on you. Waiting for you to develop well enough to receive it. Maybe you desire something that will be enjoyable initially but cause you pain later because you aren't ready for it.

Consider if this applies to you. Keep in mind that your morning grits may not be off the table for you. Maybe you will receive your desire plus more after your development. So, let's have a word of prayer before we close.

Father God, we thank you for once again giving us the opportunity to come before you in prayer. Thank you for your Son's sacrifice and please forgive us of our sins. My Lord, we ask that if we are asking for anything that we are unprepared for that you will show us where we are underdeveloped. Aid us, send your Holy Spirit, to train us, build us up, and prepare us for our heart's desires.

Lord, we also realize that somethings just take time. In my son's case there isn't anything he needs to do. He simply has to wait until You develop his tummy for greater. Maybe we just need to wait until you finish the work within us.

But whether we need to actively work towards our development or if we just need to let you do the work for us, we don't want our desires to later become a burden. Prepare us for the blessings and let us not grumble or complain if the preparation is uncomfortable or if it takes longer than we anticipated.

Let your holy, perfect, and divine will be done. We seal this pray and send it to you Father in your darling Son's Jesus name. Amen.

Alright folks, until next time, take care and be blessed!


Quin Arrington's books are available on Amazon at

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