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Born For a Purpose

Writer's picture: Quin. AQuin. A

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

before you were born I set you apart;

I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

(Jeremiah 1:5, NIV)

This verse just gives me goosebumps. Before we existed, God knew us. Before we knew ourselves, God knew us. And what’s more appealing is although we don’t know the future version of ourselves, God does. Even after we one day transition from mortal to immortal God will still know us. There’s never a point in time that God doesn’t know us, what we are thinking, or what we are going through.

Quick example before I dig into this message. Last week while I was leaving work, I was encouraging myself as I walked to my car. Spiritual speaking, I had a rough day and just needed to remind myself of a few things. So, I began to say to myself, “I am a daughter of Zion. I am God’s child. God loves me. I know He loves me because He died for me.” …

These were my thoughts. Things I was saying in my head and heart. As I inched closer to my car, I fished out my keys and looked up. Right in front of my car was a car parked across from me with a car tag that read “DIED4U”.

And I just broke down.

As I got in the car and drove off, I sobbed heavily. God literally confirmed my very thoughts in the mist of me thinking them. He knew I would be thinking those thoughts. So, He made sure that car was parked directly behind me so I could see His message. How whimsical is God? To know us before we are formed, to know our thoughts and to confirm our thoughts is nothing short of a miracle.

God knows you. God loves you. God died for you. No, it’s personal. He died for you. And He knew you before you existed. You are not here by accident. God intentionally created you. God is, was, and always will be fully aware of who you were, who you are, and who you will become. And He still decided to bring you into fruition. So, why would God admit knowing you before you existed and forming you without having a purpose in mind?

When He created you, He created a great thing. Genesis 1:31 states God looked at all that He made and said it was very good. We are created in His image and God allows us to bear power in our very tongue. When God made the heavens, as beautiful as they are, He decided the universe was still missing something.

When He made light and separated night and day with the moon and sun, it still wasn’t enough. He made the animals, trees, flowers, waterfalls, and all the magnificent things that are within the earth, and decided His creation was not completed until He made mankind. We are special and unique. God saved His best and most precious creation for last. Surely, He did not create us without purpose.

When God told Jeremiah that he knew him before he existed it was for validation purposes. God needed to confirm Jeremiah for the work He was about to call him to do. Not only did God know Jeremiah before he existed but He also set him apart to be a prophet. Even though Jeremiah couldn’t see it, he was always meant to be a prophet.

This is very common. It's quite normal to be meant for a work even when we cannot see it. There was a time when David didn’t know he was meant to be king, Esther didn’t initially know that she was meant to be a queen. Abraham didn’t know he was meant to be a father of nations. Peter didn't know He was meant to walk alongside God as a disciple. I could go on and on about people not knowing what they were meant to be... including me not knowing I was meant to be a writer and author.

And guess what? It's okay! It was okay that they didn’t know what they were meant to be. It was okay because they knew when it was time for them to know. God showed them who they were and what they were meant to do at the right time. If you are reading this and feel conflicted because you don’t know or haven’t figured out your purpose, don’t sweat it. Rather be confident.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 1:6, NIV)

Have confidence in knowing that whatever work God has for you, it will be completed. If you wholly open yourself up to God and trust Him with your life, God will not only start His work in your life, but He will not stop until it is completed. God is merely looking for people who will allow His work to be completed.

Your work could be to simply raise children in the instruction of God. Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary simply mothered Samuel, John the Baptist, and Jesus respectively. Yet, they were all mothers to the most historical and influential men in biblical history.

Simon’s pivotal moment was to carry the cross of Jesus. I imagine it only took minutes, perhaps an hour tops for him to complete his big purpose. This is not to say that the remainder of his life was not purposeful, but the moment was quick. Rahab’s main purpose concluded when she aided God’s people by providing refuge. It was also a quick moment in time, but it set her family up and placed her name in the linage of Jesus Christ.

My point is your purpose may not appear as big and grandeur as someone like King David or Queen Esther… or it could be! Only God knows. But whatever it is, it’s important. Although Simon only carried the cross, I wouldn’t dare say that his purpose was any less significant than King David’s. But even if we do assume some sort of hierarchy in terms of purpose, God doesn’t.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

(1 Corinthians 12:4-6, NIV)

God wouldn’t have made you without purpose or without some kind of gift or service to fulfill the purpose. This is my opinion here, but I don’t think God made anything under the heavens just for kicks. Yet, I will admit that I am unsure why He insisted on creating cockroaches, mosquitoes, and spiders… I mean do we really need them???

But seriously, if even insects have purpose in our ecosystem, how much more purpose do you have in the Kingdom of God? We, by mere existence, have dominion over all living things. It should go without saying that your purpose also possesses dominion and power.

I’ve nothing more to say on this topic for now. I’d just like you to keep in mind that when God thought of making you outside of your existence, He didn’t change His mind. God thought you were worth creating. And He also thought you were worth dying for. Surely, you are worth more than you think you are, and surely your purpose is greater than you think. I pray that if you haven’t found it yet, that God will reveal your purpose to you. Your purpose is just a call away...

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

(Jeremiah 33:3, NIV)

Alright, that’s it you guys. Have a fantastic week! Go about your day, week, month, year and life knowing that you are born for a purpose and that purpose is great.

May God bless you and keep you.


Quin Arrington's debut book "And Then You Shall Have Good Success: Attaining Good Success God's Way" is available on Amazon in paperback and eBook format. Link to book listed below.

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